SOFIEU - Social Farming in Europe

SOFIEU (Social Farming in Europe) is a European Partnership Project initiated in 2011 and coordinated by APCC (Associao Paralesis Cerebral de Coimbra), a major care provider in Portugal.

ULMUS has been introduced to this project through the structural partnership with WUR and forms together with WUR the Duch delegation. 

Aim of the project is to identify national key-issues and forms of Social Farming and to establish a supportive European network to promote Social Farming in all participating countries.

The projectgroup is formed by:

APCC - Portugal, Ponteverde (care-provider, Italy), UCD (University College Dublin, Ireland) and the Dutch delegation WUR/ULMUS.

For more information please visit

In relation to the project ULMUS will organize a trans-national conference in midth of April 2013 in the Netherlands, that will be held open for everyone who is interested. Further detailed information will follow on our webpage in the section "Upcoming".

technical questions? © Ulmus Projectrealisatie 2012